FRMS Diagnostic service

Analysis of work schedules and work rhythms

The design of schedules can have an impact on employee fatigue. In order to assess this impact and to identify the most critical aspects of scheduling, an expert analysis based on scientific criteria is carried out.

The components of your organisation's schedules:

  • length of shifts
  • break time
  • sequence of shifts
  • start times of shifts

Depending on the variability of your company's schedules, we conduct an analysis over periods ranging from a few weeks to several months.

Based on our experience with different industries we have developed TimeWiks, our own methodology for analysing schedules to mathematically predict the fatigue risk associated with its operation.

  • Quantitative analysis of schedules over a long period
  • Qualitative analysis of critical periods by our consultants
  • Analysis of the procedures and methodology sed for the construction of schedules (rules, prioritisation, organisation, software, etc.)


Compared to existing solutions (SAFE, SAFTE-FAST...) which are based on generic algorithms, the tool developed by Welbees allows the generation of company-specific predictions. Its principle is based on data collection campaigns carried out using a smartphone application. Once a sufficient amount of data has been collected, a statistical prediction is generated to be used by the company to assess the fatigue risk associated with its rotations. This prediction is presented along with other indicators in a dashboard accessible by the company on a secure web interface. Another advantage of the TimeWiks tool over existing models is that an individual prediction is also provided to employees prior to rotations, thus facilitating their preparation. The tool will be parameterized according to the company's organisational specificities (long haul, reduced rest, etc.).

L’autre avantage de l’outil TimeWiks par rapport aux modèles existants est qu’une prédiction individuelle est également fournie aux employés avant les rotations, facilitant ainsi leur préparation. L’outil sera paramétré en fonction des spécificités organisationnelles de la compagnie (long courrier, repos réduits, etc.).

  • Highlighting shifts and shift sequences in schedules that generate fatigue
  • Identification of organisational factors that contribute to a significant level of risk associated with fatigue
  • Audit of planning methods
  • Recommendations for improving the construction of schedules and a list of the main schedule-related contributing factors that have an impact on employee fatigue