Analysis of work schedules and work rhythms

The components of your organisation's schedules:
  • length of shifts
  • break time
  • sequence of shifts
  • start times of shifts

Depending on the variability of your company's schedules, we conduct an analysis over periods ranging from a few weeks to several months.
  • Based on our experience with different industries we have developed our own methodology for analysing schedules
  • Quantitative analysis of schedules over a long period
  • Qualitative analysis of critical periods by our consultants
  • Analysis of the procedures and methodology sed for the construction of schedules (rules, prioritisation, organisation, software, etc.)
  • Highlighting shifts and shift sequences in schedules that generate fatigue
  • Identification of organisational factors that contribute to a significant level of risk associated with fatigue
  • Audit of planning methods
  • Recommendations for improving the construction of schedules and a list of the main schedule-related contributing factors that have an impact on employee fatigue